Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Colour Create 28

This week at Colour Create the challenge was to use Hot Pink, Dusky Pink and Ice Chocolate. Now I have never completed a challenge based on colour, so I thought I would have a go and this is what I came up with. Its a Birthday card for my sister in law, even though shes been with my Brother for a long time now I still found it quite difficult to make her a personal card, but I think she should be quite pleased with this one.

Plain papers were from Dovecraft Designer Pack. Patterned Paper were free from Crafts Beautiful Magazine. Card was from my stash (I thought I would NEVER use the brown shade, calling it chocolate is much more appealing) and the letters were the same as I have used on most of my Christmas Cards, the Alpha Shimmers. Being somebody that hates waste I used the dots from the middle of the O to make the dots on the side :)

Just dont look to closely, I dont think they are straight! I really enjoyed completing a colour challenge and I hope you like my card. I look forward to the next one.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Papertake 24

This is my last minute entry into this weeks Papertake Challenge, its slightly different from the sketch, but only slightly.

The plain paper is from Dovecraft Designer Pack.

Its not clear in the picture, but the bottom half of the card is covered by a sheet of Anita's Christmas Silver Vellums, this one has a snowflake pattern.

The star paper is part of my stash, I think it must have been another bargin buy there was no label on the back.

The letters are Anita's Silver outline stickers.

The photo was taken buy me back in Feburary when we had the snow. I had a snow day from work so I went for a walk. I thought everything looked so much more beautiful covered in snow, so I took so many photos. I love that I can send christmas cards across the world with pictures of my little town.

I have completed a few more challenges this week so I will be making a few regular posts.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Id like to thank...

Haha, ages ago I was given an award from the lovely Judie at I just love crafty mess I have been meaning to post about it for days now, Im such a slacker but here goes.O yeah these are the rules, cos you got to have rules, right!
1 Thank the person who nomitated you for this award - THANKS JUDIE
2 Copy the logo and place it on your blog
3 link the person who nomiated you for this award
4 Name 7 Things about yourself people might find interesting
5 Nomiante 7 kreativ Blogers
6 Post links to the seven blogs you nominate
7 Leave comments on all 7 blogs letting them know you nomiated them
So then, 7 things interesting about me !!!!

1. I have a birthmark in my eye. They are blue but one has a streak of brown.
2. I love taking photographs of anything and eveything, food, landscapes, people and so on.
3. I didnt learn to ride a bike until I was 7, but now I love it and wish I could cycle everyday.
4. Im a creature of habit, I start everyday with a hot Honey and Lemon and finish eveyday with a Hot chocolate.
5. Im a Daddies girl, theres no shame in that.
6. I have met people from every continent, now I just want to travel to these places, Im always dreaming about travelling.
7. Im so scared of spiders.

Ok nominations next- Im going to mix it as I have 2 blogs so some will be readers from this blog and some from my other blog.

1 Beth - this girl is so so talented. I just love all your cards!
2. Jane - I always look forward to reading your post, and I look forward to following the new challenge blog.
3. Maria - A writer, photographer artist and all round beautiful person.
4. Mitri - Everything about the lovely Mitri is creative and inspiring.
5. Carlyann - One of the first creative blogs I started reading and still look forward to every inspiring post
6. Deb - Ive learnt alot and found so much inspiration from Deb, that deserves an award.
The last one is so hard as Id like to give an award to all the blogs I read I think everyone of you are fantastic and so clever in what in you make, but Im going to give it to
7. Anice - just because you make such beautiful things.

I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend, Ive got to work today, but tomorrow is a going to be lovely Im going shopping for more craft supplies I have a stack of cards to make and not much time to do it!!

Sunday, 20 September 2009

2 Fab Christmas Cards

I have made a late entry for Fab's Big Christmas Card Challenge. Every Christmas I hope for snow, I dont think Im the only one, so Ive made Frosty the Snowman.I didnt realise its such a small picture! Oops.
The snowy paper is from the Deck the Halls collection (papermania or making memories, sorry Im having a blank moment) and all the other parts are from my stash of card and paper stock. I liked it so much I made some more in red.
O and I used my Gel glitter pens to colour in the scarf. I have been working on some other christmas cards to, hopefully I will complete them soon so I can post them too.
Hope you like it :)

Monday, 14 September 2009

Busy weekend, all kinds of cards

Ive been so busy this weekend. Ive made lots Christmas Cards, a Birthday Card and a Wedding card for my cousin. Deck the Halls spotty and Snowflake paper, Kit N Kraft Green paper and some red card from my stash. I thought Id start with the simple cards first and then make the more complicated ones, I have a few ideas going round in my head and Im working on them in my sketch book.This was just made using some freebies from a magazine.

I also made this for my Pops, its not his birthday for a month yet, but hes already gone back to work and wont be back for 7 weeks so I sneeked it into his suitcase. Sometimes simplicity is the best thing. I used paper from my stash for this one. The spotty paper was part of the collection I bought for a snip at my local craft shop :) and I used my flower hole punch to make the embellishments.If I knew somebody who had a baby I think I would have used this paper to make them a card, but I dont.

Aaaaand finally the wedding card. I got to use one of my new stamps. Im not very confident with stamps so Ive only got a little one to start with .

I used Papermania wedding march card stock and pink card from Coredinations for the background and the butterflies, very cute.

I hope you like them all thank you for looking. Hopefully I will have a card for a challenge to post soon.

Friday, 11 September 2009

More happy times

I was really chuffed this morning after I peeped on here to find that I have been given my FIRST award for flowers sparkles and pretty things from the lovely Judie at I just love Crafty Mess
I left for work feeling special and beeming from ear to ear. I havent chosen who I am going to pass it on to yet, so bribes are welcomed, haha. I will have a think about it and then make another post later to pass on the joy.
Hope youve had a lovely week.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

I like candy

Ive been visiting lots of different blogs recently and there are so many talented bloggers out there, far too many to mention by name.
Ive also seen lots and lots of lovely candy - links in sidebar. The latest Ive seen is from Squiggle Stamps if you havent seen it check it out.

Anyway Ive been busy working on some christmas cards, Im not ready to share them yet as I dont think they are as high in standards as some Ive seen, but Im working on them.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Happy days

Im so excited Ive got a place on my silver jewellery course. Im really looking forward to it, its 10 weeks and Im hoping I get the chance to make some really beautiful things. It starts a week Tuesday.
Ill tell you more about after my first class.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Sketch Saturday

I really caught the bug for entering Blogger challenges, this is my first entry for Sketch Saturday. Its yet another card for my Brothers 30th Birthday (yes I do like to mention how old hes getting at any opportunity)

I used Kit N Kraft Summer collection again (blue and purple).

Papermania blue letters.

Making Memories Mini shimmer alpha - white letters

A blue button I found in my mums button box

and the Dotty paper was part of the stash I bought from my tiny local craft shop.